Weekly Transits – 9/16/2024
The busiest week of September includes a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces, 3 oppositions, 2 trines, 2 squares and Venus and the Sun changing signs - we may feel pulled in many directions so do your best to just try to go with the flow!Personal Planets & Points
Social / Outer Planets
The busiest week of September has arrived – we may feel pulled in many directions so do your best to just try to go with the flow!
We kick off the week with Venus in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries – this transit may have you feeling a bit conflicted about how much information you want to keep to yourself vs share with others. Trust that you’ll know when the timing is right.
Then Tuesday is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – a potent reminder to surrender to your own unique path while letting others walk their own – check out my correspondence guide/summary for much more detail on this eclipse which is building now and is likely to reverberate for months to come.
Wednesday brings us yet another opposition – this time Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces, asking us to use our innate curiosity to unlock solutions where we may be feeling challenged or restricted.
Thursday gives us a sparky Sun Trine Uranus – this one could feel quite energizing, awakening something inside us that may have been dormant and gifting us a burst of much needed will power. There may be a flavor of “second chances” with this transit as well – take advantage!
Friday brings us the final opposition of the week with the Sun opposite Neptune – this one could come with a heavy dose of confusion, but at its best is an excellent time to dive deep into any type of spiritual practice. Tap into stillness to help you better understand how each facet of a situation is divinely guiding you, strengthening you and teaching you a valuable lesson.
Next weekend Mercury squares Jupiter, emphasizing themes of teamwork and the importance of not overlooking details when working collectively towards a common goal. Pluto also trines the Sun and squares Venus on Sunday – prompting some deep excavation and helping us to embody the lessons we’ve been learning.
And at the very end of the week, the Sun moves into Libra just as Venus exits her home sign and moves into the depths of Scorpio….whew! What a week!