Weekly Transits – 4/8/2024

Eclipse week is here! With Chiron conjunct today's total solar eclipse, we're starting a brand new compassion-forward chapter. This week, I'm expecting the unexpected and avoiding the typical intention-setting rituals that come with a New Moon - eclipse (and Mercury retrograde) energies are unstable, unpredictable and a good time to observe, allow, rest, review, integrate, assimilate and progress.
Weekly Transit - Personal Planets_Apr8

Personal Planets & Points

Weekly Transit - SocialOuter_Apr8

Social / Outer Planets


Eclipse week is here! With Chiron conjunct today’s total solar eclipse, we’re starting a brand new compassion-forward chapter. See last Thursday’s post for more details on the Eclipse divination (Tarot/I Ching/Sabian) correspondences.

This week, I’m expecting the unexpected and avoiding the typical intention-setting rituals that come with a New Moon – eclipse (and Mercury retrograde) energies are unstable, unpredictable and a good time to observe, allow, rest, review, integrate, assimilate and progress.

I’m struck by how at the exact time of the eclipse, we have the Sun, Moon, Chiron, Venus, Jupiter AND Saturn all in 5th Sabian expression degrees (the 5s/10s/15s, etc) – these degrees represent the Assimilation and Progression energies of each expression. We are ascending after integrating important healing lessons concerning past wounds, our values, our expansion, growth and our boundaries.

By Wednesday, Mars also moves into a 5th expression degree with Saturn – and while this transit could feel a bit uncomfortable and limiting, it’s meant to help us integrate lessons of creating necessary boundaries and acting with intentional diligence when pursuing our ambitions.

After Wednesday, I see a more interesting shift – a Mercury cazimi occurs Thursday in a 3rd expression degree (reconciling 2 polarities) AND Pluto moves into the 3rd degree of Aquarius (A deserter from the Navy). We shift our focus from integrating what we’ve learned back into a nurturing, focused evaluation of possibilities. We’re ready to embrace new potential and may find ourselves weighing next steps/choices to be made.

By the weekend (see Social/Outer Planet daily view) – both Jupiter and Saturn (our social planets) move into 1st expression degree points – I see this impacting us personally, but also deeply shifting the collective towards adopting fresh new patterns of behavior.

Wherever this week finds you, I hope integrated healing strengthens you, compassion fills and surrounds you and joyful new starts are on the horizon.