Weekly Transits – 3/18/2024

It's the start of Aries season! This week Mercury speeds through Aries, making a conjunction with Chiron (the first of several between now and May due to the messenger planet's upcoming retrograde). Mars joins Venus in Pisces and Venus makes a conjunction with Saturn.
Weekly Transit - Personal Planets_Mar18

Personal Planets & Points

Weekly Transit - SocialOuter_Mar18

Social / Outer Planets


Welcome to Aries season! The tempo is increasing as the Sun enters Aries on Tuesday then makes a sextile/checkin with Pluto on Thursday. This week you may find yourself summoning more will power to transform and bring new ideas to life.

Mercury makes a conjunction to Chiron in Aries 19 (The magic carpet) as it speeds its way through the first sign of the zodiac – this degree is about the use of creative imagination so this transit may bring about some creative solutions to healing old wounds. FYI – Mercury will be meeting up with Chiron several more times because of its upcoming retrograde (starting 4/1), so this won’t be the only time this spring we deeply contemplate our wounds and work with these healing themes. In fact, the messenger planet will be in Aries until May 15th, so expect to revisit the ideas that come about this week several times over the course of eclipse/Aries (and Taurus) season.

Mars is the last planet to leave Aquarius this Friday and start his surrender journey through dreamy Pisces. We may feel a tangible shift in our energy level over the weekend…and possibly a push and pull between the ideas we have and the drive we can summon to get things done. Get your naps in if you can – Monday (3/25) is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse so some wild cards may be in store over the coming weeks.

Venus is halfway through Pisces (where she’s exalted), meeting up with Saturn in Pisces 13 (A sword in a museum) which may strengthen our courage, will power and work ethic to create necessary structures around the things we value most. Venus then makes a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus 16 (An old man vainly attempting to reveal the mysteries) on Friday – an easy connection between the two benefics – this transit may amplify our desires and ability to live out our highest ideals and dreams.

How are you starting out the astrological new year? Are you starting to taking action on the dreams you’ve been nourishing during Pisces season? Are you getting enough rest?