Weekly Transit Preview – April 1-5, 2024
Next week, almost of the social and outer planets are making a one degree shift in their positions (only Pluto is staying put in Aquarius 2 - An unexpected thunderstorm). With all these shifts (rare for outer planets) occurring in the week before the total solar eclipse, there is a significant momentum change underfoot. This post breaks it down, in chronological order, so we know what to expect in the collective energies.Daily Transits - April 1-5, 2024
Social/Outer Planets Make 1-Degree Shifts
Next week (posted 3/27), almost of the social and outer planets are making a one degree shift in their positions (only Pluto is staying put in Aquarius 2 – An unexpected thunderstorm) so I created this “heads up” visual that breaks down, in chronological order, these shifts so we know what to expect in the collective energies. With all these shifts (rare for outer planets) occurring in the week before the total solar eclipse, there is a significant momentum change underfoot.
On 4/1, Chiron moves into the Aries 20 (A young girl feeding birds in winter) – the compassion-focused degree that will host the 4/8 eclipse.
Neptune moves into Pisces 29 (A prism) on 4/3, and later that day it makes a conjunction to Venus in this new degree. This second to last degree of the zodiac reminds us that we each shine unique lights into the world. Differentiate yourself while honoring the diversity and different perspectives held by all beings.
Also on 4/3, Jupiter moves into Taurus 19 (A newly formed continent) and helps us expand through opening our minds to new possibilities and ways of being. It’s in receptivity that we allow concrete changes to arise and necessary shifts to become a reality.
On 4/4, Saturn moves into Pisces 15 (An officer preparing to drill his men) -and Saturn is pretty comfortable being the drill sergeant! This may bring to light where our individuality is being challenged by a push to conform to societal rules and structures. Remember that limitations and self-discipline are necessary tools for growth.
Lastly, on 4/5, the great awakener, Uranus changes into Taurus 22. This degree (White dove over troubled waters) comes after Taurus 21 (A finger pointing in an open book) – so we’ve been scrutinizing the information we’ve learned based on what we have studied, what we can touch, hear and see…but this shifts our perspective for how we receive guidance. We may start noticing the more subtle signs from nature, spirit and the universe. Uranus is helping us move out of the mind and awaken our faith, trust and intuition so we can better listen with our hearts as we navigate the rest of April.