Sabian Exp 69 – Pisces 11-15

The 69th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Pisces 11-15 and has the keyword: Dedication.

Sabian Exp 69 – Pisces 11-15


The 69th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Pisces 11-15.

Dane Rudhyar breaks the Sabian Symbols into Acts, Scenes and Levels.  This expression falls into Act IV: Capitalization, Scene Twenty-Three: Federation, Level: Individual-Mental.

James Burgess gives this Expression the keyword Dedication. He summarizes all Pisces Sabians in this video.

Each degree in the 5-degree expression is shown below (menu can be used to jump to the degree of interest).


Decan / Tarot / I Ching Correspondences


Exp Degree 1 (A new initiative)

Pisces 11: Men seeking illumination



Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-practical-universal-specializing-spiritual-experimental / DEDICATION


Dane Rudhyar: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality / WALK ON


James Burgess: Taking steps to improve oneself Video Link

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 2 (Challenge or contrast)

Pisces 12: An examination of initiates



Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-practical-universal-specializing-spiritual-sensitive / QUALIFICATION


Dane Rudhyar: The ever-repeated challenge presented to the individual by the group in which he has claimed acceptance – the challenge to prove himself and his ability to assume responsibility effectively / QUALIFICATION


James Burgess: Examination Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 3 (Reconciliation of polarities)

Pisces 13: A sword in a museum



Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-practical-universal-specializing-spiritual-receptive / EXAMPLE


Dane Rudhyar: Through the effectual use of his will a consecrated man can become a symbol of courage for all those who follow in his footsteps / WILL POWER


James Burgess: Single pointed certainty of purpose Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 4 (Technique or method)

Pisces 14: A lady in fox fur



Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-practical-universal-specializing-spiritual-responsible / TASTEFULNESS


Dane Rudhyar: The use of intelligence and mental subtlety as a protection against storms and trials / PROTECTIVE SHIELDING


James Burgess: Using glamour as a shield Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 5 (Assimilation & Progression)

Pisces 15: An officer preparing to drill his men



Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-practical-universal-specializing-spiritual-inspired / PRECISENESS


Dane Rudhyar: The need for thorough rehearsing before any complex and inherently dangerous social ritual in which power is used or evoked / VALORIZATION


James Burgess: Rehearsing how to use power Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki