Sabian Exp 60 – Capricorn 26-30
The 60th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Capricorn 26-30 and has the keyword: Mastery.Sabian Exp 60 – Capricorn 26-30
The 60th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Capricorn 26-30.
Dane Rudhyar breaks the Sabian Symbols into Acts, Scenes and Levels. This expression falls into Act IV: Capitalization, Scene Twenty: Group-Performance, Level: Individual-Mental
James Burgess gives this Expression the keyword Mastery.
Each degree in the 5-degree expression is shown below (menu can be used to jump to the degree of interest).
Decan / Tarot / I Ching Correspondences
Exp Degree 1 (A new initiative)
Capricorn 26: A water sprite
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-critical-efficient-generalizing-spiritual-experimental / RESTLESSNESS
Dane Rudhyar: The ability to perceive the hidden and creative spirit of natural phenomena / OCCULT ENERGY
James Burgess: Dancing to the rhythm of life Video Link
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 2 (Challenge or contrast)
Capricorn 27: A mountain pilgrimage
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-critical-efficient-generalizing-spiritual-sensitive / PERSEVERANCE
Dane Rudhyar: The ascent of the individualized consciousness to the highest realizations reached by the spiritual leaders of its culture / UPREACHING
James Burgess: The pilgrim’s journey Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 3 (Reconciliation of polarities)
Capricorn 28: A large aviary
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-critical-efficient-generalizing-spiritual-receptive / COMMUNITY
Dane Rudhyar: The enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implications / CLAIRAUDIENCE
James Burgess: Awareness of spiritual messages Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 4 (Technique or method)
Capricorn 29: A woman reading tea leaves
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-critical-efficient-generalizing-spiritual-responsible / SIGNATURE
Dane Rudhyar: The ability to see the Signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one’s attention / CLAIRVOYANCE
James Burgess: Interpretation of spiritual messages Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 5 (Assimilation & Progression)
Capricorn 30: A secret business conference
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-critical-efficient-generalizing-spiritual-inspired / OPPORTUNITY
Dane Rudhyar: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power / EXECUTIVE POWER
James Burgess: Highest level of social influence Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki