Sabian Exp 52 – Sagittarius 16-20

The 52nd expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Sagittarius 16-20 and has the keyword: Discipline.

Sabian Exp 52 – Sagittarius 16-20


The 52nd expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Sagittarius 16-20.

Dane Rudhyar breaks the Sabian Symbols into Acts, Scenes and Levels.  This expression falls into Act III: Group-Integration, Scene Eighteen: Transference, Level: Actional.

James Burgess gives this Expression the keyword Discipline.

Each degree in the 5-degree expression is shown below (menu can be used to jump to the degree of interest).


Decan / Tarot / I Ching Correspondences


Exp Degree 1 (A new initiative)

Sagittarius 16: Sea gulls watching a ship



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-practical-original-generalizing-physical-experimental / ALERTNESS


Dane Rudhyar: The easily acquired dependence of psychic desires upon the stimulation of social circumstances / DEPENDENCE


James Burgess: The survival instinct Video Link

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 2 (Challenge or contrast)

Sagittarius 17: A spiritual sunrise ceremony



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-practical-original-generalizing-physical-sensitive / REBIRTH


Dane Rudhyar: The culturally stimulated longing for group participation in a process of rebirth / REBIRTH


James Burgess: Renewal of the urge to live Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 3 (Reconciliation of polarities)

Sagittarius 18: Tiny children in sun hats



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-practical-original-generalizing-physical-receptive / INNOCENCE


Dane Rudhyar: The protection society affords to as yet immature individuals as they begin to deal with the powerful energies of their unconscious nature / PROTECTIVENESS


James Burgess: Guarding against overload Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 4 (Technique or method)

Sagittarius 19: Pelicans moving their habitat



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-practical-original-generalizing-physical-responsible / FRONTIER


Dane Rudhyar: The need for people concerned with the future to discover a new way of living and more wholesome surroundings / SURVIVAL


James Burgess: Sacrifice to secure our children’s future Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 5 (Assimilation & Progression)

Sagittarius 20: Men cutting through ice



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-practical-original-generalizing-physical-inspired / PROCUREMENT


Dane Rudhyar: The foresighted use of natural resources to supply future human needs / ASSURING SUPPLY


James Burgess: Good husbandry Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki