Sabian Exp 42 – Libra 26-30

The 42nd expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Libra 26-30 and has the keyword: Understanding.

Sabian Exp 42 – Libra 26-30


The 37th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Libra 26-30.

Dane Rudhyar breaks the Sabian Symbols into Acts, Scenes and Levels.  This expression falls into Act III: Group-Integration, Scene Fourteen: Reconstruction, Level: Individual-Mental.

James Burgess gives this Expression the keyword Understanding – he summarizes the themes of these 5 Sabians here.

Each degree in the 5-degree expression is shown below (menu can be used to jump to the degree of interest).


Decan / Tarot / I Ching Correspondences


Exp Degree 1 (A new initiative)

Libra 26: An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-critical-ingenious-generalizing-spiritual-experimental / ADEPTNESS


Dane Rudhyar: The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise / ADEPTNESS


James Burgess: Mastery Video Link

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 2 (Challenge or contrast)

Libra 27: An airplane hovering overhead



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-critical-ingenious-generalizing-spiritual-sensitive / REFLECTION


Dane Rudhyar: A consciousness able to transcend the conflicts and pressures of the personal life / TRANSCENDENT REALIZATION


James Burgess: Spiritual perspective Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 3 (Reconciliation of polarities)

Libra 28: A man in the midst of brightening influences



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-critical-ingenious-generalizing-spiritual-receptive / RESPONSIVENESS


Dane Rudhyar: The realization, at any level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the “community” – visible or invisible – is sustaining one’s efforts / INNER ASSURANCE


James Burgess: Having faith that we are part of something bigger Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 4 (Technique or method)

Libra 29: Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-critical-ingenious-generalizing-spiritual-responsible / RATIONALITY


Dane Rudhyar: A deep sense of participation in, and commitment to, social processes which seek to bring to all men Truth and a greater Life / CONSCIOUS PARTICIPATION


James Burgess: Involvement in humanity’s evolution of wisdom Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki


Exp Degree 5 (Assimilation & Progression)

Libra 30: Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head



Marc Edmond Jones: manipulating-critical-ingenious-generalizing-spiritual-inspired / PRESCIENCE


Dane Rudhyar: The fulfillment of man’s power of understanding at whatever level of existence the person operates / A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO KNOWLEDGE


James Burgess: Wisdom of knowledge Video Link.

Artwork by Ruby Fumizki