Sabian Exp 11 – Taurus 21-25
The 11th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Taurus 21-25 and has the keyword: Authority.Sabian Exp 11 – Taurus 21-25
The 11th expression of the zodiac includes the Sabian Symbols for Taurus 21-25.
Dane Rudhyar breaks the Sabian Symbols into Acts, Scenes and Levels. This expression falls into Act I: Differentiation, Scene Four: Confirmation, Level: Emotional-Cultural.
James Burgess gives this Expression the keyword Awakening – he summarizes the themes of these 5 Sabians here.
Each degree in the 5-degree expression is shown below (menu can be used to jump to the degree of interest).
Decan / Tarot / I Ching Correspondences
Exp Degree 1 (A new initiative)
Taurus 21: A finger pointing in an open book
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-ideal-efficient-generalizing-social-experimental / CONFIRMATION
Dane Rudhyar: Learning to discern what in your culture and religion is meaningful to you personally / SUBSERVIENCE TO COLLECTIVE VALUES
James Burgess: Careful discrimination of wisdom. Video Link
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 2 (Challenge or contrast)
Taurus 22: A white dove over troubled waters
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-ideal-efficient-generalizing-social-sensitive / GUIDANCE
Dane Rudhyar: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis / REWARD TO THE FAITHFUL
James Burgess: Reading signs. Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 3 (Reconciliation of polarities)
Taurus 23: A jewelry shop
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-ideal-efficient-generalizing-social-receptive / PRESERVATION
Dane Rudhyar: The social confirmation of natural excellence / CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH
James Burgess: Improving upon nature. Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 4 (Technique or method)
Taurus 24: A mounted Indian with scalp locks
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-ideal-efficient-generalizing-social-responsible / COMMAND
Dane Rudhyar: The aggressiveness of human instincts when fighting for their earthly base of operation / VIOLENCE FOR SURVIVAL
James Burgess: Channeled aggression Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki
Exp Degree 5 (Assimilation & Progression)
Taurus 25: A large well-kept public park
Marc Edmond Jones: sustaining-ideal-efficient-generalizing-social-inspired / RECREATION
Dane Rudhyar: The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation / COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT
James Burgess: Working collectively. Video Link.
Artwork by Ruby Fumizki