Pisces New Moon – 3/10/2024

Sunday's Pisces New Moon opens up eclipse season (though it's not an eclipse). The transits of the past couple days (see yesterday's post) may have pulled our focus to what brings us fulfillment and abundance, making it a lovely time to set intentions and integrate what you've experienced so far this calendar year as the astrological year comes to a close. And with Mercury at the first degree of Aries for this New Moon (sextiling Pluto in Aquarius) - a brave new start is supported.
Pisces New Moon March 10 2024

Pisces New Moon - 3/10/2024

Sunday’s Pisces New Moon opens up eclipse season (though it’s not an eclipse). The transits of the past couple days (see yesterday’s post) may have pulled our focus to what brings us fulfillment and abundance, making it a lovely time to set intentions and integrate what you’ve experienced so far this calendar year as the astrological year comes to a close. And with Mercury at the first degree of Aries for this New Moon (sextiling Pluto in Aquarius) – a brave new start is supported.

The Tarot Majors for this New Moon include The Moon (Pisces), The Wheel of Fortune and The Hanged Man (Jupiter & Neptune) – co-rulers of Pisces…as well as the Tower (Mars-rules this last decan of Pisces/the zodiac).

Pisces 21 starts the 3rd decan of Pisces which hosts the ruler (Neptune) of this New Moon and is associated with the lovely 10 of cups (emotional fulfillment/happy endings) as well as the passionate Queen of Wands – this is her “shadow decan” – she and her black cat will also usher us into Aries/eclipse season.

Pisces 21 kicks off the 71st Sabian Expression to which Burgess gives the keyword “Purification”. It’s the Sabian Symbol for “A little white lamb, a child and a servant” – which Burgess gives themes of “Training in Optimism.”

On the I Ching side – the New Moon takes place in Line 4 of Hexagram 22 (Grace) – Mountain over Fire. Line 4 has optimistic themes of excitement, creativity and allowing spontaneity. It changes Hexagram 22 to Hexagram 30 (The Clinging) – Fire over Fire. @bellwen calls Hex 22 “Luminosity” and Hex 30 “The Spark”. These hexagrams in relationship through Line 4 tell a story about creative sparks, shining your light and cultivating charisma.

While this New Moon comes off the heels of some intense energy, it gives us a chance to bathe in the energy of optimism, creativity and new dreams.

What intentions for a more abundant, optimistic future are you setting this New Moon?