Daily Transits – 7/10-7/11/2024

This week's two flowing trines between the Sun and Venus in Cancer and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces should give us a nice boost in how we structure our lives to better align with our greater purpose.

Daily Transits - 7/10 and 7/11/2024

Sun Trine Saturn, Venus Trine Neptune

This week’s two flowing trines between the Sun and Venus in Cancer and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces should give us a nice boost in how we structure our lives to better align with our greater purpose.

The personal planets are in Moon-ruled Cancer in decans ruled by Mercury (The Magician) and the Moon (The High Priestess). Saturn and Neptune make the trines from Jupiter/Neptune-ruled Pisces in decans ruled by Jupiter (Wheel of Fortune) and Mars (The Tower). With the 3, 4, 9 and 10 of cups at play, we could soon be celebrating a long-awaited wish-come-true, moving from a place of stagnation to one of greater happiness and fulfillment! The Sun/Saturn trine also benefits from the emotional maturity of the King AND Queen of cups while the Venus/Neptune trine is infused with the adventurous and passionate spirit of the Knight and Queen of wands.

The Sabians for the Sun/Saturn trine include Cancer 20 (Gondoliers in a serenade) to which Rudhyar gives the keynote “Happiness as an overtone of social integration and conformity to custom” and Pisces 20 (A table set for an evening meal) which holds the keynote “An indication that in the end and at the appointed time the individual’s needs will be met…” In this Mercury-ruled decan, we may find it easy to put voice to our purpose and get our tasks done.

The trine between Venus and her higher octave, Neptune, is infused with powerful and transformational energy. The Sabians include Cancer 30 (A Daughter of the American Revolution) which James Burgess gives the keynotes “Respect for tradition…Good leaders guide their community through evolutionary steps of change” and Pisces 30 (The Great Stone Face) “Becoming our own ideal – First imagine, then expect”.
All Sabians are in the 5th-degree of their expressions, which means we’re integrating the lessons of Maturity, Spirituality, Uniting and Realization of Faith and progressing forward.

I hope these lovely trines brings us all well-deserved rewards for embracing maturity, putting in the hard work and taking bold steps towards realizing our dreams!