Daily Transits 6/16-6/20 – Neptune Squares

Another triple-play of squares occurs in the last degree of Gemini - this time with Neptune (still in that last degree of Pisces) starting this Sunday, June 16th and continuing through June 20th.
Daily Transits - NeptuneSquares June16-20_2024

Daily Transits - 6/16-6/20/2024

Venus, Sun and Mercury Square Neptune

Another triple-play of squares occurs in the last degree of Gemini – this time with Neptune (still in that last degree of Pisces) starting this Sunday, June 16th and continuing through June 20th. While squares with Neptune can bring up feelings of illusion and confusion, these transits can be helpful and right on time as we officially close out spring and head into the summer solstice.

The Tarot for the 3rd decans of Gemini and Pisces hold cards of completion, joy, passion, nurturing, determination and release. These checkins between Venus (The Empress), Mercury (The Magician) and The Sun with Neptune (The Hanged Man) between the decans holding the 10s of swords/cups are a reminder that we’ve probably (over)assessed a potential “happy ending” from every possible perspective, having to come to terms with loss in the process. And now it is time to surrender our desired outcome to the universe, set aside the mental anguish related to exactly how we’ll manifest the abundance/future we desire and move forward on a new path, even if that new path seems a bit scary or unknown.

The Sabian Symbols for these squares both relate to exemplification – Bathing beauties and The Great Stone Face both speak of living up to our highest ideals, expressing our truest values and sharing our endowed gifts with others.

The personal planets all sit in Hexagram 15 (Modesty), Line 2 where recognition, respect and reward is given to those displaying a gentle influence with sincerity and integrity. Neptune squares the personal planets from Hexagram 25 (Innocence), Line 2, an auspicious line encouraging surrender and a reminder to focus on the journey, not the outcome.

As Neptune makes these squares to our personal planets, we are being asked to move forward with a new perspective on what we’ve learned during Gemini season, trusting that the rewards will be in the journey itself. The time of wrestling with dualities has come to a close, and if we attend to our path and not a specific goal, all will be well.