Daily Transit – 6/26/2024
Mercury trines Saturn today - a lovely transit that brings us some much-needed relief and flow after the series of squares to Saturn and Neptune we had earlier this month.Daily Transit - 6/26/2024
Mercury Trine Saturn
Mercury trines Saturn today – a lovely transit that brings us some much-needed relief and flow after the series of squares to Saturn and Neptune we had earlier this month. This transit can help us more maturely and concisely articulate our needs, wishes and boundaries and the divination symbols for this 20th degree of Cancer/Pisces detail a restrained but positive celebratory energy.
The Tarot for the 2nd decans of Cancer and Pisces hold cards of celebration with friends, wish fulfillment, emotional maturity and manifesting a change in fortune, perhaps even one that ends an important cycle.
The Sabian Symbols for this trine relate to advancing our maturity through the “celebration of permitted emotions” and progressing on our spiritual path by receiving nourishment with an attitude of gratitude.
Mercury sits in Hexagram 53 (Development), Line 5 where regaining confidence is possible after some possible missteps – stick with what feels tried and true on the path towards success. Saturn sits in Hexagram 22 (Grace), Line 3, which describes a crossroads where things currently feel quite positive. The advice is that we must not sit on our laurels or get complacent, but rather steadily celebrate the constant need for change from a place of flow.
It’s a great time to purify your body and soul in bodies of water (not at the beach? that’s okay, take a relaxing shower!), hold a potluck celebration with friends or have productive and flowing brainstorms with colleagues.
Wherever today finds you, I wish you flow!