Daily Transit – 6/14/2024

Friday's Mercury cazimi shines a bright spotlight on how we're clearing out what's not essential so we can move forward more confidently towards what brings us joy. Keep calm, go high!

Daily Transit - 6/14/2024

Mercury Cazimi

Friday’s Mercury cazimi shines a bright spotlight on how we’re clearing out what’s not essential so we can move forward more confidently towards what brings us joy.

The Tarot Majors include The Magician (Mercury) x2 as a key player and also the ruler of Gemini (Mercury is “in his chariot” as he moves through and past the Sun), The Lovers (Gemini), and The Sun (Sun) x2 as the other player in the cazimi and ruler of the 3rd decan of Gemini. The Lovers is traditionally a card about choices, so we may find this moment is a critical choice point related to what we are manifesting in our lives.

The intuitive, calm and compassionate Queen of Cups holds dominion over Gemini decan 3. Along with the 10 of swords, the decan Tarot trio speak of coming to peace with significant endings so we can once again move forward towards what brings us joy. The dawn of a new day is promised.

The I Ching hexagram is 12 (Standstill) – Heaven over Earth, Line 2 which alternates to Hexagram 6 (Conflict) – Heaven over Water. These symbols speak of patience and restraint in the face of injustice or inferior influences. With the recent Mars square Pluto and Saturn squares, it may feel like we’ve been suffering through a period of unjust stagnation or difficulties, where we have little or no influence on specific circumstances and events. It’s important to remember that you always have influence over your own energy. Maintaining your virtue and principles, specifically your humility and choice to disengage from unnecessary conflicts will serve you well at this time.

The Sabian Symbol – Gemini 25 (A man trimming palms) also holds themes of clearing away what is unnecessary to hold onto – both in our overactive minds (thanks Gemini) but also in our information intake and output – it’s a great time to prune out unnecessary consumption (stop doom scrolling!).

Use this cazimi to attune more deeply to your interactions with social media, the news and even people – do these interactions raise or lower your vibration? Keep calm, go high!