Daily Transit – 1/20/2024

Pluto conjuncts the sun at the last degree and minute of Capricorn before they both enter Aquarius

Pluto and Sun Enter Aquarius together

Today’s Daily Transit is one of the biggest of the year…possibly the decade. Pluto, the planet of radical transformation and evolution, conjuncts the Sun (this is called a Cazimi) at exactly 29°59′ of Saturn-ruled Capricorn. About twenty minutes later, the Sun kicks off Aquarius season! And a few hours after that, Pluto also moves into Uranus’-ruled Aquarius (something it does every ~248 years). The last time Pluto traveled through Aquarius was 1778-1798….revolution anyone?

This is Pluto’s second dip into Aquarius in our lifetime, and it won’t be the last. The first entrance was last March – June. In Sept – Nov of this year Pluto will make one final pass at Capricorn 30 to finish up its business in Capricorn before entering Aquarius permanently for the next ~20 years. It’s time for some collective shifts!

What are you radically transforming in your life?