Daily Sun & Moon – 1/18/2024

The Sun visits the last 3 degrees of Capricorn and the Moon moves into its exaltation in Taurus.
Jan 18, 2024 - Daily Sun & Moon

Sun & Moon - 1/18/24

The biggest astrology of the week happens in 2 days…but today’s Sun and Moon energies feel important to me.  Today the Sun touches all 3 of the very last degrees of Capricorn before its Saturday ingress into Aquarius.  The Moon moves into Taurus where it’s exalted – a lovely place for it to sit and keep our emotions grounded and stable during this powerful week of transits – as a Taurus moon (Taurus 13), I’m loving this!

Anyone who has planets or points in their chart at these final degrees of Capricorn (or any cardinal sign) has spent the last several years going through a Pluto transit (Read: deep scrutiny and transformation of the structures of their lives) and is probably thrilled to have Pluto move on to Aquarius!  For me personally, this means the wrapping up of my Pluto square Pluto (at Libra 27). The Sun and Pluto are also trining my Ascendant (Taurus 30) as they approach my Venus and Midheaven (Aquarius 1 & 2) this week which is giving me a big boost as I launch my mission!

Fun Fact: the US (Sibly Chart) has its Pluto at Capricorn 28 (A large aviary) – so those of us in the US have been experiencing our country’s Pluto return (a transit no humans get to experience personally unless they live to 248 years old). 

The last 5 degrees of Capricorn are part of the Sabian Expression of Mastery – dealing with themes of awareness and interpretation of spiritual symbols and the mastering of social influence.