53-Knight of Swords
Air of Air: a righteous, swift and incisive spirit53-Knight of Swords
Numerology: 53/8
Astrology: Often associated with Gemini (Mutable Air). Presides over Capricorn Decan 3, Aquarius Decans 1 & 2
Tree of Life: Tipheret (Beauty)
Thoth Name: Prince of Air (Air of Air)
Qualities: Courageous, righteous, swift, daring, ambitious, incisive
Court Card Filter Grid
Many individual pages for Tarot cards are still under construction / works in progress.
Fire of Fire: a confident, inspiring and bold leader
Water of Fire: the self-assured and cheerful embodiment of passion
Air of Fire: an adventurous and charming spirit
Earth of Fire: an eager, adventurous messenger of exciting news
Fire of Water: an emotionally intelligent leader
Water of Water: the intuitive, calm embodiment of compassion
Air of Water: a heart-centered, idealistic, dreamy spirit
Earth of Water: an imaginative bearer of messages from the subconscious
Fire of Air: an authoritative, intellectual and truthful leader
Water of Air: the direct, unbiased embodiment of clarity and truth
Air of Air: a righteous, swift and incisive spirit
Earth of Air: a curious and cautious messenger of new ideas
Fire of Earth: A wealthy, steady and secure leader
Water of Earth: the nurturing, stable embodiment of security
Air of Earth: a diligent, cautious, steady spirit
Earth of Earth: a studious and practical messenger of new opportunities