my Sabian Symbols

360 symbols channeled by clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler in 1925 with astrologer Marc Edmond Jones for each degree of the zodiac.

Structure of the Sabian Symbols / Sabian Expressions

Sabian Scenes & Levels

Dane Rudhyar in his must have An Astrological Mandala: The cycle of Transformation and its 360 Symbolic Phases (A reinterpretation of the Sabian Symbols, presenting them as a contemporary American I Ching), split the Sabians into 24, 15-degree Scenes. Each scene contains a set of 3 repeating Levels as follows:


Degrees 1-5                                    Actional

Degrees 6-10                     Emotional-Cultural

Degrees 11-15                     Individual-Mental


Degrees 16-20                                  Actional

Degrees 21-25                   Emotional-Cultural

Degrees 26-30                     Individual-Mental

5-Degree Expression Pattern

Sabian Mysteries curator James Burgess assigns themes to each Expression Degree within the repeating pattern 5-degree groups of Sabian symbols as follows:  

Expression Degree ExpDeg5_mam(5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°)
Assimilation and Progression
Expression Degree ExpDeg4_mam (4°, 9°,14°, 19°, 24°, 29°)
Technique or Method

Expression Degree ExpDeg3_mam(3°, 8°, 13°, 18°, 23°, 28°)

Reconciliation of Two Polarities

Expression Degree ExpDeg2_mam(2°, 7°, 12°, 17°, 22°, 27°) Challenge or Contrast

Expression Degree ExpDeg1_mam(1°, 6°, 11°, 16°, 21°, 26°)

New Initiative

Sabians Detail

Individual pages for Sabian Expressions and Symbols are under construction / works in progress, but as the pages get created they’ll appear in the filter grid below – you can also select any sign below to jump directly to its specific list of Expressions and Symbols.

Expression/symbol detail pages are a work in the pages get built, they'll appear in this filter grid