my Transits

Transits describe the relationship between the planets and points in a chart (e.g. natal or event chart) and their current positions. This section holds an archive of my adobe mission's monthly, weekly, and daily transit updates.

my Transits

my Aspects

To understand the impact of Transits, it is helpful to understand the energies of the various Aspects planets and points can make with each other.

Aspects is just a fancy word for the angle between two points.  The two diagrams below are a handy reference guide for the energies associated with some of the most common aspects and how the signs relate to each other in aspect.


Transits Filter Grid

All archived daily, weekly and monthly transit posts from @myadobemission will be posted here.
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Weekly Transits – 2/17/2025

Weekly Transits – 2/17/2025

“Tend to the essential, small details and surrender the rest” - This fiery, wands-filled week sees the Sun enter Pisces and Mars finally stations direct.
Weekly Transits – 2/10/2025

Weekly Transits – 2/10/2025

Fresh off Sunday’s Mercury cazimi, Mercury and the sun both square Uranus for a dynamic start to the week. Be intentional with your words, actions and body - Uranian transits can catch you off guard.
Leo Full Moon – 2/12/2025

Leo Full Moon – 2/12/2025

“Devotion to truth enables a revolution” - The resistance is steadily forming as February’s Full Moon in Leo squares Uranus (who also rules over the Sun).
Weekly Transits – 2/3/2025

Weekly Transits – 2/3/2025

“Practicing kindness as a spiritual path” - This week holds assurance that blessings follow strife, bringing supportive opportunities for growth/maturity, spreading kindness, compassionate integration and self-care.
Aquarius New Moon – 1/29/2025

Aquarius New Moon – 1/29/2025

“Reject the illusion of fame and fortune” - The first year of the Wood Snake since 1965 begins with the 1/29 New Moon. Mercury joins Pluto in "An unexpected thunderstorm" the same day - a transit likely to bring to light some surprising hidden truths.
Weekly Transits – 1/20/2025

Weekly Transits – 1/20/2025

“Channel your aggression wisely” - this week begins with the Sun in my namesake degree (An old adobe mission), which asks us to focus on our built structures, systems and spiritual foundations.
Cancer Full Moon – 1/13/2025

Cancer Full Moon – 1/13/2025

"Reject those who hold the illusion of power, find your inner sanctum" - January's Full Moon in Cancer is nearly conjunct retrograde Mars and occurs right after the Sun makes a powerful trine to Uranus.
Weekly Transits – 1/6/2025

Weekly Transits – 1/6/2025

It’s a major Arcana week that begins with The Tower and ends Sunday with The Fool. In one week’s time things may look completely different as significant beginnings and endings are certainly in the cards for this week.
Capricorn New Moon – 12/30/2024

Capricorn New Moon – 12/30/2024

“Do not try to create unity by force. Radiate calm, be the peace you want to see.” This new moon gives us a very clear assignment going into the New Year: Keep calm and carry on.
Weekly Transits – 12/30/2024

Weekly Transits – 12/30/2024

"Develop inwardly the strength to cope with uncontrollable forces" We end 2024 with a New Moon that asks us to find our peace and calm as well as a Mercury trine Chiron transit that encourages us to give generously to others, prepare and stock up for what could be an extra spicy start to 2025.
Weekly Transits – 12/23/2024

Weekly Transits – 12/23/2024

"Victory over forces of entropy and destruction" - This week Venus is on a profound, and possibly surprising healing journey, Pluto moves into "An unexpected thunderstorm", Chiron stations direct, and the final installment of the mutable T-Square between Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter perfects.
Gemini Full Moon – 12/15/2024

Gemini Full Moon – 12/15/2024

"Work smarter, not harder - Practice optimism and strategic techniques to claim inner peace." This month's Gemini Full Moon ends a major chapter, and Mercury stations direct about 12 hours after this powerful lunation which will help us formulate concrete ideas on creative paths forward.
Weekly Transits – 12/2/2024

Weekly Transits – 12/2/2024

"Remembrance - life is a great gift, a miracle and a joy" Fresh off the New Moon in Sagittarius, we get a very busy start to December with an array of transits that follow two storylines, both fueling a renewal of spirit.
Monthly Transits – December 2024

Monthly Transits – December 2024

December is bookended by two New Moons and while it appears to be a very busy month (esp during the first and last weeks of the month), it’s full of energy to deepen our practice of patience, service to others and restraint.
Weekly Transits – 11/25/2024

Weekly Transits – 11/25/2024

"Rediscover your essence". The personal planets and luminaries run the show this week - tune out unnecessary distractions, tap into joy and rediscover your essence.
Taurus Full Moon – 11/15/2024

Taurus Full Moon – 11/15/2024

"A breakdown of structure...if the sage has been defeated by the adversarial forces, when all is said and done, the people realize that the sage was right all along."
Scorpio New Moon – 11/1/2024

Scorpio New Moon – 11/1/2024

"Regain perspective - You perceive the complication to be worse than it really is" - the 11/1 Scorpio New Moon may have us on edge, worried and quite possibly overwhelmed.
Weekly Transits – 10/28/2024

Weekly Transits – 10/28/2024

Amidst what may appear to be a polarizing, chaos-filled, high-intensity week, we have a powerfully transformative New Moon that implores us to regain perspective and several very supportive trines and sextiles that boost our inner sovereignty and hold significant potential for problem-solving, healing and communal impact.
Aries Full Moon – 10/17/2024

Aries Full Moon – 10/17/2024

"Remain steady and allow the world the shape itself." While the 10/17 Full Moon sits in Mars-ruled Aries, the correspondences say Venus and Eris are the stars of the show.
Weekly Transits – 10/7/2024

Weekly Transits – 10/7/2024

"A rising tide lifts all boats" - Resilience and healing through optimism and cooperation is the theme of the week as Chiron and Jupiter pull focus through their aspects to each other, Mercury, Mars and the Sun.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra – 10/2/2024

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra – 10/2/2024

“Don’t drink the muddy well water” - the 10/2 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra closes a chapter, moving us forward with the ability to more keenly and patiently scrutinize our behavior and the behavior of others (without judgment) inviting balance, healing, forgiveness, and gratitude to be our next chapter companions.
Monthly Transits – October 2024

Monthly Transits – October 2024

October kicks off with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, then sees Jupiter station retrograde the same week Pluto finally moves direct for its final few weeks in Capricorn.
Weekly Transits – 9/23/2024

Weekly Transits – 9/23/2024

This last full week of September brings us new information and the will power to initiate a powerful shift towards a more collaborative, strategic, and balanced state of being.
Weekly Transits – 9/16/2024

Weekly Transits – 9/16/2024

The busiest week of September includes a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces, 3 oppositions, 2 trines, 2 squares and Venus and the Sun changing signs - we may feel pulled in many directions so do your best to just try to go with the flow!
Weekly Transits – 9/2/2024

Weekly Transits – 9/2/2024

The first week of September kicks off with a fresh service-oriented Virgo New Moon, Uranus stationing retrograde, and Pluto moving back in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes (until 11/19).
Virgo New Moon – 9/2/2024

Virgo New Moon – 9/2/2024

"From struggle to liberation" - this Labor Day New Moon is unveiling a fresh start and a more abundant, service-focused chapter in our lives as we reorient ourselves after a tough period.
Monthly Transits – September 2024

Monthly Transits – September 2024

Happy September - Mercury retrograde is OVER and we’ll feel some big shifts on day 1 with Uranus stationing retrograde and Pluto moving back into Capricorn 30 for the LAST TIME in our lifetimes.
Weekly Transits – 8/26/2024

Weekly Transits – 8/26/2024

I am loving this last week of August! Expect to feel a powerful future-oriented, feminine shift as we close out the month with the Sun now in service-focused Virgo, Venus receiving a triple-play of empowering aspects, and Mercury finally moving direct!
Aquarius Full Moon – 8/19/2024

Aquarius Full Moon – 8/19/2024

This Aquarius Full Moon shines a clear spotlight on leadership, requiring that we reconcile and balance intelligent foresight, preparation, and patience before taking measured action when faced with a flurry of possibilities.
Weekly Transits – 8/19/2024

Weekly Transits – 8/19/2024

After a high-energy weekend with a Mercury cazimi square Uranus, next week kicks off with an incredibly potent Full Moon in Aquarius square Uranus + a Venus/Saturn/Jupiter T-square. Expect the energies to significantly shift over the course of the week as we move forward and settle into new, nourishing, service-focused, productive patterns.
Daily Transit – 8/14/2024

Daily Transit – 8/14/2024

On the 14th, Mars and Jupiter begin a new ~2 year synodic cycle focused on the themes of mental maturity and measured exertion for the sake of progress.
Weekly Transits – 8/5/2024

Weekly Transits – 8/5/2024

This first full week of Mercury retrograde in August contains the 8/8 Lion's Gate portal and may feel like a reset button. A readjustment of priorities is warranted, and there's a bit of breathing room to do so.
Leo New Moon – 8/4/2024

Leo New Moon – 8/4/2024

With a theme of "Victory in retreat", Sunday's New Moon is a powerful time to joyfully embrace a transition in your life, bask in the self-confidence, strength and power you possess, and enjoy a peaceful moment to contemplate your next steps forward.
Weekly Transits – 7/29/2024

Weekly Transits – 7/29/2024

As we wrap up July and begin August, we have an opportunity to use the upcoming Leo New Moon, coincidentally the same day Mercury stations retrograde, to rest and reflect on the events of the past month and gear up for a busy Fall.
Weekly Transits – 7/22/2024

Weekly Transits – 7/22/2024

Monday 7/22 kicks off Leo season! This fixed fire, Sun-ruled sign of the Lion will be hosting the Sun, Venus and Mercury - intensifying how we utilize, express and share our personal gifts with pride.
Capricorn Full Moon –  7/21/2024

Capricorn Full Moon – 7/21/2024

Sunday's second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row is a culmination point focused deeply on leadership, prompting a significant resetting/rebalancing of our masculine and feminine energies.
Weekly Transits – 7/15/2024

Weekly Transits – 7/15/2024

The spiciest week of July kicks off with a Mars/Uranus conjunction and culminating with a very potent Capricorn Full Moon where all our personal planets will be activated and playing their part in the significant transformations afoot.
Daily Transits – Mars Conjunct Uranus – 7/15/2024

Daily Transits – Mars Conjunct Uranus – 7/15/2024

Monday's Mars/Uranus conjunction is likely already being felt with this transit's intensity magnified by the recent Venus/Pluto opposition and the fixed star Algol (head of Medusa) which sits at 26°30' Taurus (Mars will conjunct Algol right after its conjunction with Uranus).
Daily Transits – 7/10-7/11/2024

Daily Transits – 7/10-7/11/2024

This week's two flowing trines between the Sun and Venus in Cancer and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces should give us a nice boost in how we structure our lives to better align with our greater purpose.
Daily Transits – 7/8/2024

Daily Transits – 7/8/2024

The Tarot and Sabians for Monday's two sextiles paint a story of new chapters, liberation from boredom or stagnant energy, and the impetus we need to break free from limited or restrictive thinking/patterns.
Weekly Transits – 7/8/2024

Weekly Transits – 7/8/2024

This week holds some liberating, lovely transits, pulling focus to how we're honoring our values as we effectively work with new opportunities to transform into more authentic versions of ourselves.
Monthly Transits – July 2024

Monthly Transits – July 2024

July brings us the return of FLOW! As we move through July we are poised to enjoy an abundance of flowing, easy aspects suggesting we could be creatively resolving some of the challenges presented to us over a busy and intense Spring.
Weekly Transits – 7/1/2024

Weekly Transits – 7/1/2024

As we kick off July, we may feel a powerful increase of flow as restrictions lessen and a New Moon in Cancer redirects our ambitions towards what can provide us greater fulfillment.
Daily Transit – 6/26/2024

Daily Transit – 6/26/2024

Mercury trines Saturn today - a lovely transit that brings us some much-needed relief and flow after the series of squares to Saturn and Neptune we had earlier this month.
Weekly Transits – 6/24/2024

Weekly Transits – 6/24/2024

Cancer season is in full swing - finding us deep in our feelings. After a busy and communicative Gemini season which held plenty of challenging and confusing reality checks and re-balances, we're getting a bit of a mental fatigue break so we can enjoy the start of summer.
Capricorn Full Moon – 6/21/2024

Capricorn Full Moon – 6/21/2024

Friday's Full Moon in Capricorn is a celebration of our entrance into the summer season, and is encouraging us to release material attachments while we nurture and protect what we truly value.
Weekly Transits – 6/17/2024

Weekly Transits – 6/17/2024

This week we have Venus, Mercury and the Sun all moving into watery, emotional, cardinal Cancer. The mental chatter could finally be subsiding and you may find yourself more able to drop into your heart center and move forward in new directions. Or you just might be ready for a good nap and a cry 😂
Daily Transit – 6/14/2024

Daily Transit – 6/14/2024

Friday's Mercury cazimi shines a bright spotlight on how we're clearing out what's not essential so we can move forward more confidently towards what brings us joy. Keep calm, go high!
Gemini New Moon – 6/6/2024

Gemini New Moon – 6/6/2024

Thursday's New Moon correspondence guide paints a picture of maturation towards one's goals. March forth with confidence, logic and careful intention! With Saturn squaring this New Moon, reality may be knocking in uncomfortable ways, so it's not a time to "slack off" or take it easy - put in the work and you will be rewarded.
Weekly Transits – 6/3/2024

Weekly Transits – 6/3/2024

We kick off this week with Mercury's entrance into Gemini where it'll meet up with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus for a lively and communicative week. The Gemini party this week promises blessings, a grounded in reality forward-moving New Moon as well as some lovely validation and illumination for our next steps.
Monthly Transits – June 2024

Monthly Transits – June 2024

And just like that, it’s June! Conversations are abundant, reality comes knocking along with new opportunities and fresh perspectives. Video covers the highlights.
Weekly Transits – 5/27/2024

Weekly Transits – 5/27/2024

This week kicks off Monday with Mercury sextiling Saturn. Then on Wednesday, Mars makes a conjunction to Chiron, and on the last day of May we see a spicy Mercury/Uranus conjunction. June kicks off with a powerful and abundant trine between Jupiter and Pluto and a Mercury sextile to Neptune.
Sagittarius Full Moon – 5/23/2024

Sagittarius Full Moon – 5/23/2024

Thursday's Sagittarius Full Moon is a POWERFUL culmination point. It coincides with Venus and Jupiter uniting in the last degree of Taurus (my Ascendant!) while both make a sextile to Neptune, in Pisces.
Weekly Transits – 5/20/2024

Weekly Transits – 5/20/2024

This week holds a powerful Sagittarius Full Moon and sees the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all move into Gemini! This shifts the quality of time away from the security and comfort-focused fixed earth Taurus energies towards the duality-forward mutable air energies of Gemini.
Daily Transits – 5/18/2024

Daily Transits – 5/18/2024

On May 18th, Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus 24 the same day Jupiter has its cazimi (conjunction with the Sun) in Taurus 29...considered one of the luckiest transits of the year! Overall, this week holds an overwhelming amount of energy for adopting a more receptive, passive, yin approach. It's not a week to forge ahead recklessly or push an agenda, but rather one to display grace, deeply contemplate next steps and receive support for your path. So let Uranus surprise you, take a moment to reassess situations and roll gracefully with the universal punches!
Daily Transits – 5/13/2024

Daily Transits – 5/13/2024

This week holds 4 transits which all activate divination themes of receptivity, collaboration and a contemplative change of direction. On May 13th, we have a Uranus cazimi (Sun conjunction) and Venus sextiles Saturn.
Weekly Transits – 5/13/2024

Weekly Transits – 5/13/2024

We kick off this week with a lively Sun conjunction to Uranus and a Venus sextile to Saturn! This week also sees Mercury joining the Taurus party, and then over the weekend, we have two more powerful conjunctions - Venus conjunct Uranus and Sun conjunct Jupiter.
Taurus New Moon – 5/7/2024

Taurus New Moon – 5/7/2024

Tuesday's New Moon correspondence guide paints a lovely supportive picture for a more stable, secure and equitable future - even if we aren't seeing it anywhere but in our mind's eye at this time. Together, all divination symbols for this New Moon speak of stability and prosperity for those who are receptive and pure of heart. Envision what the ideal future looks like, set your intention to receive all that you need to build that in your life, and trust that being open to receiving the support you need shall bring about a newly formed reality.
Weekly Transits – 5/6/2024

Weekly Transits – 5/6/2024

This week is highlighted by a sumptuous Taurus New Moon on the 7th. With Venus, the ruler of Taurus, in her dignity, the Moon exalted in Taurus in a Moon-ruled decan, I'm expecting this one to feel really grounding, supportive and stabilizing after the intensity of April and last week's Pluto influences.
Daily Transit – 5/3/2024

Daily Transit – 5/3/2024

Mars sextiles Pluto, an empowering aspect much more comfortable than the recent Venus square to Pluto. Overall, this easy connection between our planet of drive and ambition and the great transformer is giving us the boost we need to move forward into a new phase of cooperative and productive endeavors with others.
Monthly Transits – May 2024

Monthly Transits – May 2024

May 2024 is a month full of delightful transits, including a grounding and stable Taurus New Moon on 5/7 and an optimistic and rewarding Sagittarius Full Moon on 5/23. And Jupiter enters Gemini on 5/25!   Though less intense than April, I still had to create a video to capture all the highlights!
Daily Transit – 4/30/2024

Daily Transit – 4/30/2024

Venus makes a square to Pluto. This is the first major tension-inducing checkin for these 2 since the start of their synodic cycle which began mid-Feb in Aquarius 1 (An old adobe mission).
Weekly Transits – 4/29/2024

Weekly Transits – 4/29/2024

This week we have a forward-moving Mercury, Venus entering her home sign of Taurus (Monday) and Mars entering his home sign of Aries (Tuesday). Pluto is the key player in all the exact aspects this week. The planet of transformation, repatterning and rebirth is making a square to Venus in Taurus on Tuesday, stationing retrograde on Thursday and then making an easy sextile to Mars in Aries on Friday.
Daily Transit – 4/28/2024

Daily Transit – 4/28/2024

Sunday's Mars/Neptune conjunction starts a new, 2-year cycle between the planet of ambition and drive and the planet of dreams and creativity. Occurring in the 2nd to last degree of Pisces/the zodiac, it's a potent test of our ability to embrace faith and surrender to inevitable change.
Scorpio Full Moon – 4/23/2024

Scorpio Full Moon – 4/23/2024

At 6:49pm CDT on 4/23 we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. And it's NOT an eclipse...but it still holds a fair bit of intensity (it is Scorpio, after all 😂)...and it's squaring Pluto.
Weekly Transits – 4/22/2024

Weekly Transits – 4/22/2024

This week gives us a deep-diving full moon in Scorpio, Mercury stationing direct on Thursday, and Mars meeting up with Neptune on Sunday. It's an intensely emotional, possibly illuminating and cathartic week which still holds reverberations of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and Sun square Pluto of late last week.
Daily Transit – 4/20/2024

Daily Transit – 4/20/2024

my Correspondence guide for Saturday's highly anticipated Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. This one has been building for some time as one of the most impactful astrological events of 2024! It marks the beginning of a POWERFUL new 13-14 year cycle related to what brings us security while expanding and awakening us individually and collectively.
Daily Transits – 4/19/2024

Daily Transits – 4/19/2024

The day before Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus, 5 incredible things happen: #1 Taylor Swift releases her 11th studio album #TTPD, #2 Venus Conjuncts Mercury, #3, the Sun moves into Taurus, #4 & #5 Mars Sextiles Jupiter & Uranus
Weekly Transits – 4/15/2024

Weekly Transits – 4/15/2024

Eclipse energies are still reverberating this week which holds the start of Taurus season and the highly anticipated conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus). Expect expansive and liberating breakthroughs to be seeded this week!
Mercury Cazimi – 4/11/2024

Mercury Cazimi – 4/11/2024

Today at 6:03pm CDT, Mercury the messenger (still retrograde) will be in the heart of the Sun. This cazimi asks us to trust our inner guidance, nurture the possibilities that are brewing (even if exact outcomes are still unclear) and hold gratitude for the treasures in our lives at this time.
Weekly Transits – 4/8/2024

Weekly Transits – 4/8/2024

Eclipse week is here! With Chiron conjunct today's total solar eclipse, we're starting a brand new compassion-forward chapter. This week, I'm expecting the unexpected and avoiding the typical intention-setting rituals that come with a New Moon - eclipse (and Mercury retrograde) energies are unstable, unpredictable and a good time to observe, allow, rest, review, integrate, assimilate and progress.
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries – 4/8/2024

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries – 4/8/2024

Monday’s New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is EXACTLY conjunct Chiron at 19°24’ of Aries and is easily the most influential New Moon of the year. There is a culmination energy associated with this eclipse, and the divination symbols all paint a picture of compassionate new beginnings amidst upheaval. Something beautiful is taking form and arising out of the chaos.
Weekly Transits – 4/1/2024

Weekly Transits – 4/1/2024

This week kicks off April with Mercury stationing retrograde and holds 2 Venus aspects (A conjunction with Neptune and a sextile to Pluto). All of the social and outer planets (save Pluto) also make a degree change which will have us feeling a shift in momentum.
Monthly Transits – April 2024

Monthly Transits – April 2024

April holds such big astrology I had to create a video to capture all the highlights.  Mercury stations retrograde on 4/1 to kick off the month, followed by the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on 4/8 and on 4/20, one of the biggest conjunctions of the year - Jupiter & Uranus meet in Taurus 22 the day after the sun moves into Taurus.
Weekly Transit Preview – April 1-5, 2024

Weekly Transit Preview – April 1-5, 2024

Next week, almost of the social and outer planets are making a one degree shift in their positions (only Pluto is staying put in Aquarius 2 - An unexpected thunderstorm). With all these shifts (rare for outer planets) occurring in the week before the total solar eclipse, there is a significant momentum change underfoot. This post breaks it down, in chronological order, so we know what to expect in the collective energies.
Weekly Transits – 3/25/2024

Weekly Transits – 3/25/2024

This week kicks off with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 6 (see Full Moon post for details) after which there is a bit of a lull in transits until Venus, the ruler of the eclipse will sextile the great awakener, Uranus on Thursday. Mercury has entered its shadow zone (goes retrograde 4/1, not an April fool's joke), so expect to be revising, revisiting, reworking and restructuring things in the weeks to come. Use this last week of March to awaken your values, protect your energy and hold an optimistic and open mind about the future!
Daily Transits – 3/21/2024

Daily Transits – 3/21/2024

3/21/2024 - Today the Sun sextile's Pluto (Aries 2/Aquarius 2) - our first major check-in on the repatterning we kicked off in late Jan when Pluto and the Sun made a conjunction right before entering Aquarius. Venus also is conjunct Saturn in Pisces 13.
Weekly Transits – 3/18/2024

Weekly Transits – 3/18/2024

It's the start of Aries season! This week Mercury speeds through Aries, making a conjunction with Chiron (the first of several between now and May due to the messenger planet's upcoming retrograde). Mars joins Venus in Pisces and Venus makes a conjunction with Saturn.
Weekly Transits – 3/11/2024

Weekly Transits – 3/11/2024

The transits are on a spring break this week - almost no exact aspects mean it's a great week to tune into the crickets and enjoy their beautiful sounds! Venus (our values) enters Pisces where she's in her exaltation (she loves it!) - this will help us create and appreciate beautiful things in our lives. At the end of this week, the Sun will review its trip through the zodiac in Pisces 28 with its ruler Neptune.
Pisces New Moon – 3/10/2024

Pisces New Moon – 3/10/2024

Sunday's Pisces New Moon opens up eclipse season (though it's not an eclipse). The transits of the past couple days (see yesterday's post) may have pulled our focus to what brings us fulfillment and abundance, making it a lovely time to set intentions and integrate what you've experienced so far this calendar year as the astrological year comes to a close. And with Mercury at the first degree of Aries for this New Moon (sextiling Pluto in Aquarius) - a brave new start is supported.
Daily Transits – March 8-9, 2024

Daily Transits – March 8-9, 2024

Mercury conjunct Neptune (Friday 3/8) and Mars square Uranus + Sun sextile Uranus transits (Saturday 3/9). These transits infuse Sunday's New Moon with some intense and thought-provoking energies about abundance and fulfillment making them great transits for formulating intentions as we enter Aries/eclipse season later this month.
Weekly Transits – 3/4/2024

Weekly Transits – 3/4/2024

Weekly Transits - 3/4-3/10: This week Mercury is BUSY. There should be lots to discuss, integrate and digest for the Pisces New Moon this Sunday as our brains will likely be working overtime during the week.
Daily Transit – 2/28/2024

Daily Transit – 2/28/2024

Wednesday's double cazimi/triple conjunction of Mercury, Saturn and the Sun takes place in Pisces 10: An aviator in the clouds, at the culmination of the 1st decan of Pisces. Time to do what you or others never thought possible!
Weekly Transits – 2/26/2024

Weekly Transits – 2/26/2024

This week is headlined by Mercury and Saturn going through the heart of the Sun (a double cazimi/triple conjunction in Pisces 10). It's a great week to shine bright, courageously adapt to live with purpose and receive clarity on practical solutions for growing your dreams.
Virgo Full Moon – 2/24/2024

Virgo Full Moon – 2/24/2024

This Virgo Full Moon is influenced by Mercury (ruler of Virgo) moving into its Detriment and Fall in Pisces, the recent Venus/Mars conjunction in Aquarius 7, and a Venus/Jupiter square. There's an over-arching theme at this time of birthing radical new ideas, influenced by tension in how to manifest them and a need to surrender.
Daily Transit – 2/21/2024

Daily Transit – 2/21/2024

Fresh off their recent visits with Pluto, Venus and Mars start a new 2-year synodic cycle - joining together in Aqaurius 7: A child born of an eggshell.
Weekly Transits – 2/19/2024

Weekly Transits – 2/19/2024

This week we see the start of Pisces season, a Venus/Mars conjunction (start of a new 2-year cycle for how our masculine/feminine energies relate to each other), and a full moon in Virgo. Oh - and Pluto changes degree into Aquarius 2 - An unexpected thunderstorm!
Aquarius New Moon – 2/9/2024

Aquarius New Moon – 2/9/2024

With the Sun and Moon squaring Uranus (Co-Ruler of Aquarius along with Saturn), I expect this New Moon to hold breakthroughs, revelations, and revolutionary energy. And with Neptunes move from Pisces 26 (A New Moon divides its influences) to Pisces 27 (A harvest moon) on the eve of this New Moon, it truly feels like a New Moon with Full Moon energy.
Daily Transit – 2/8/2024

Daily Transit – 2/8/2024

Neptune moves from Pisces 26 to Pisces 27 on the eve of the Aquarius New Moon. The Sabian Symbols for these degrees take Neptune from A new moon dividing its influences to A harvest moon.
Weekly Transits – 2/5/2024

Weekly Transits – 2/5/2024

Pluto and Mercury start off this month's triple play of personal planets conjunctions on 2/5. Significant outer planet aspects build up the energies for a full-moony New Moon on 2/9.
Monthly Transits – February 2024

Monthly Transits – February 2024

A big month of conjunctions - many hosted by my favorite Sabian - Aquarius 1: An Old Adobe Mission. Pluto conjunction Mercury, Mars and Venus will prompt repatterning of ideas, ambitions and values with an eye on building things of lasting value in our lives.