my Astrology
Astrology is an ancient study of correspondences between the energies of the cosmos and earthly events. My study of astrology is rooted in faith, not in any one belief system, but in archetypal energies and the divine timing and patterns of the universe Points
Go here to learn more about the archetypal energies associated with the most common planets and points found in astrological charts
my Signs
You’re home for a detailed explanation of my adobe mission’s sign iconography (what do all those border colors mean?) for the 12 zodiac signs with links to detailed information on each Sign’s dignities, Tarot, I Ching and Sabian Symbol correspondences
Aspects keywords
The above visual is a handy guide for the most common Aspects – just a fancy word for how points can relate to each other (the angle between 2 points)
Aspects “quilt”
Another handy reference guide for how signs relate to each other by aspect
my mission Charts
adobe mission’s library of hand-crafted “mission Charts” – unique visual maps which are easy to compare to other charts and
my Transits
How it all fits together! Monthly/Weekly/Daily transits (movements of the planets and points relative to us here on Earth) all archived here to keep you apprised of universal patterns
Inside/Outside Shading - Chart Angles 101
Inside/outside shading is adobe mission’s unique way of understanding the orientation of charts with accurate angles (requires exact time and place).
mission charts are shaded according to the alignment of internally focused signs vs. externally focused signs as they relate to the Ascendant/Descendant axis.
The below graphics detail the archetypes associated with the big 4 angles in a traditional astrology chart as well as how inside/outside shading works in mission charts.