Monthly Transits – September 2024

Happy September - Mercury retrograde is OVER and we’ll feel some big shifts on day 1 with Uranus stationing retrograde and Pluto moving back into Capricorn 30 for the LAST TIME in our lifetimes.


Happy September – Mercury retrograde is OVER and we’ll feel some big shifts on day 1 with Uranus stationing retrograde and Pluto moving back into Capricorn 30 for the LAST TIME in our lifetimes.  And on day 2, we get to set new intentions for a service-oriented fresh start with the Virgo New Moon.

Also in the first week, we’ll have Mars, the planet of our drive and ambitions moving into emotional, instinctual Cancer where it will be spending a LOT of time between now and April 2025 due to a late year Mars retrograde.  

This month also hosts our first eclipse of the season with the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 17th.  That 3rd week of September is a BUSY one with a ton of oppositions along with some lovely trines before the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra (the same day Libra’s ruler Venus moves into Scorpio).  

It’s a busy, productive, service-oriented, collaboration-focused month. By the end of September, expect to look back at what you accomplished and be PROUD! 

Monthly Transits by Aspect - Sept 2024