Capricorn Full Moon – 7/21/2024
Sunday's second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row is a culmination point focused deeply on leadership, prompting a significant resetting/rebalancing of our masculine and feminine energies.Daily Transit - 7/21/2024
Capricorn (Blue) Full Moon
Sunday’s second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row is a culmination point focused deeply on leadership, prompting a significant resetting/rebalancing of our masculine and feminine energies.
The Tarot, decan and Sabian Symbol correspondences show a striking juxtaposition between the divine masculine and feminine. The Sun (our divine masculine) sits in a Moon (divine feminine, High Priestess)-ruled sign AND decan – its Sabian “A Daughter of the American Revolution” associated with respect for tradition. The Moon sits in the Saturn-ruled (masculine energy) sign of Capricorn (The Devil) in a Sun-ruled decan, with the highly activated (soon to be more so by retrograde Pluto) Sabian for “A secret business conference”, related to the power players of collective affairs.
With the Knights of wands/swords and the 4 of cups/pentacles, we have all 4 elements represented in the decan Tarot. These minors bring a passionate, movement-oriented focus to our stability and material reality. The symbols want us to know we have all the elements at our disposal to move forward and find a better balance between our inner and outer reality.
The Full Moon sits in Hexagram 60 (Limitation), Line 3 while the Sun sits in Hexagram 56 (The Wanderer), Line 3. Both lines warn against over-investment in egotism, advising accountability for your actions, correcting mistakes and returning to neutrality.
It may feel like we are powerless against greater forces at play in the world (the “power players”), but I assure you, we are not. The universe has a lot on offer this Full Moon – as evidenced by the plethora of exact aspects occurring the same day!
So many in fact, I had to create a 2-parter – see my Full Moon Transits post for 7/21 that breaks down the 4 other transits happening on 7/21: Venus sextiles Jupiter, Mercury squares Uranus, Sun trines Neptune and Mars trines Pluto.