Daily Transit – 2/8/2024

Neptune moves from Pisces 26 to Pisces 27 on the eve of the Aquarius New Moon. The Sabian Symbols for these degrees take Neptune from A new moon dividing its influences to A harvest moon.

Neptune moves from Pisces 26 to 27

Today’s transits include a Sun square Uranus (can be uncomfortable) and the Moon entering Aquarius 1 (Hi Pluto!)…but I’d like to focus on Neptune’s move from the 26th to 27th degree of Pisces. It’s a beautiful study of the cohesion of archetypes held within the corresponding Tarot, I Ching and Sabian Symbols for a particular area of the zodiac.

The Tarot Majors for the last decan of Pisces include the The Moon (Pisces), Wheel of Fortune and The Hanged Man (Pisces’ Co-rulers Jupiter & Neptune) and the Tower (Mars rules this final decan of the zodiac). These speak to me of personal growth and soul searching during uncertain times, sparked often by a tower moment.

Pisces decan 3 is also the Queen of Wand’s shadow decan and associated with the happy endings 10 of Cups minor arcana card. The Water of Fire Queen also passionately rules over the first two decans of Aries (the first of which also has Mars as its ruler).

Pisces 26’s Sabian = A new moon that divides its influences. Rudhyar keywords are “The Fallacy of Totalitarianism”. Burgess keywords are “Freedom of Choice”. Pisces 27’s Sabian = A harvest moon. Rudhyar keynotes are “Consummation”/”The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done”. Burgess keynote: “We reap what we sow”.

The corresponding I Ching for this degree change is Hexagram 36 (The Darkening of the Light), Line 4. This hexagram describes the archetype of transitions/changing of the guard, and Line 4 describes a moment in the darkness when truth is revealed. Line 4 changing turns Hexagram 36 to Hexagram 55 (Abundance).

I love how both the Sabians and the I Ching hexagram pair speak to light returning after a period of darkness. So as Neptune wraps up its journey in Pisces, I hold faith that while the Tower moments may be ongoing, we are ultimately moving towards the light.

I think it’s also pretty neat that Neptune makes this transition on the eve of tomorrow’s New Moon which feels very potent energetically, akin to a Full Moon.