Daily Transits – 2/7/2024

Jupiter moves into Taurus 9, Venus trines Uranus, Mars sextiles Neptune - a lovely trio of transits!

2/7/24 - A lovely trio of transits!

Today (2/7) holds a lovely trio of transits!

Early this morning (CST) Jupiter moved from the 8th to 9th degree of Taurus – separating slightly from its close sextile with Saturn (in 8th degree of Pisces). This takes Jupiter from a reconciliation (3rd degree of expression) Sabian (Sleigh w/out snow) to a technique/method (4th degree of expression) Sabian (A Christmas tree decorated). Rudhyar gives Taurus 9 the keynote “The ability to create inner happiness in dark hours”. Jupiter bringing growth and expansiveness to this degree should lift our spirits.

Venus trines Uranus at 20 degrees Cap/Taurus at 3:25pm CST today bringing a flowing energy that awakens something new in us related to our values – this could be in love, money or anything we hold dear. These assimilation/progression (5th degree) Sabians for Cap/Taurus 20 both have themes of realization of spiritual forces and receiving blessings.

Mars, the other personal planet of relating, also has an easy flowing transit today at 6:20pm CST with Neptune (the higher octave of Venus). This is a very compassionate transit that may bring our free spirited ambitions more in touch with our dreams for a better world. This transit takes place in the 26th degree (1st degree of expression) Sabian, so it may bring some initiatory energies towards realizing a dream.

Tomorrow Neptune moves out of this 26th degree of Pisces, and I’ll post the Sabian, Tarot, and I Ching detail on that shift!